Gorski-CENAPS is approved as a Continuing Education Provider through various agencies for our trainings and home study/distance learning courses. To help determine the Continuing Education earned through the completion of CENAPS trainings and courses, participants can refer to the explanations and examples provided below.
Continuing Education (CE) term explanations:
CENAPS examples:
Advanced Relapse Prevention Therapy Training -
Relapse Prevention Counseling Training -
A CEU is defined by the International Association for Continuing Education and Training as consisting of 10 clock hours. 10 clock hours are equivalent to 1 CEU.
CENAPS offers a series of text-based Home Study/Distance Learning courses where participants can earn Continuing Education (CE) credits.
CE Descriptions for Gorski-CENAPS independent home study courses:
To earn CE credits and a certificate of completion for a CENAPS-Gorski course, participants must complete an assessment demonstrating they completed the home study.
FCB - Florida Certification Board provider #5006.
CCAPP-California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals- Provider #OS-95-329-0227.
CAADE-California Association for Alcohol/Drug Educators CEU Provider # - CP20 996 CH 1122.
CADTP California Association of DUI Treatment Programs - Certification Board Provider #251