Hello fellow Gorski-CENAPS Certified Specialists!
For changes in your contact information to be displayed on our website, please complete our profile update form.
Recertification at a Gorski-CENAPS Certified Specialist can be achieved every 3-years for additional 3-year period by completing any of the following options. Options 1 and 2 do not have an additional processing fee.
Option 1
Take Gorski-CENAPS home study or distance learning courses totaling 20 CE credits and completion assessment. Please email a copy of your certificates to us so we can be sure to keep your certification active.
Option 2
Attend additional Gorski-CENAPS trainings or events where you earn 20 CE credits (or a CENAPS event that has been announced as qualifying for recertification). Please email a copy of the certificate of attendance so we can be sure to keep your certification active.
Option 3
Attend annual addiction conferences, college courses, professional workshops, or retreats totaling at least 20 CE credits and write a 2-page reaction paper on how what you learned can enhance your relapse prevention skills. Conferences must be in the behavioral health field. There is a $50 processing fee. Email or mail the reaction paper, copy of the certificate(s) showing CE credits, and payment to The CENAPS Corporation. You can also submit the payment portion here:
Profile Updates
Be sure to include the state (or country if international) that you are currently listed under. Thank you!
Thank you for the update. We will get your information changed within a week.