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Denial Management Counseling (DMC) Training

November 14th–16th, 2024 in Folsom, CA

Instructor: Stephen F. Grinstead, Dr. AD ACRPS, LMFT

Co-Instructor: Leonardo Martinez, MSW, LCSW, CADCII, ACRPS

Training Cost: Register by October 1, 2024 for $555.00. After October 1st, $595.00 per participant

Training Location: Mind Garden - A Gathering Place 929 Sutter St, Folsom, CA 95630

Continuing Education: Earn 20 CE credits

2 Ways to Register

Register & Pay Online

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Register By Mail & Check

Download, complete, and mail in form with check.

Registration Form

Training Days/Times

Thursday and Friday - The training will be conducted from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm, with an hour break for lunch and a 15-minute break each morning and afternoon.

Saturday: The training will be conducted from 9:00 am to 3:00 pm, with an hour break for lunch.

Training Materials

Participants will receive the workbook and any supplemental worksheets needed at the training venue.

Training Methods

This training is instructor-led with most time requiring participants to be actively engaged. Training methods include brief lectures, clinical demonstrations, small group exercises, role play, and large group discussions. Training participants will leave the training with a toolbox of skills that you can put to immediate use to be even more successful with people who exhibit treatment resistance and denial.

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Continuing Education

For the 3-day DMC Training Program, participants who attend all 3 days will receive 20 CE credit hours and a Certificate of Completion. Please note, participants must be present for the entire training to receive the education credits and certificate of participation.

Read more about CEs

Gorski-CENAPS Certified Specialist

This training provides the classroom hours needed to receive competency certification from CENAPS as an Certified Denial Management Specialist (CDMS). After attending, participants have the option to complete the corresponding Competency Certification Portfolio, which must be reviewed and approved by CENAPS to receive credentials.

Learn more about Certification

About Denial Management Counseling Training

Denial is a serious problem in the treatment of addiction and coexisting personality and mental disorders. This course will present an overview of a comprehensive clinical system for managing denial and creating intrinsic motivation for treatment. 


By attending and participating in DMC Training you will be able to deal more effectively with clients exhibiting treatment resistance and denial. An important goal of this training is to educate, normalize and de-pathologize the psychological defense mechanism known as denial so you can help your clients recognize that it is a normal part of being human. You will learn how to identify and manage your own personal denial patterns in order to be more effective in helping your clients see and manage theirs. You will be encouraged to explore your own personal defenses and how they developed to be more effective with the clients you serve. Special emphasis will be placed on building a collaborative, motivational, and strength-based relationship with your clients. 


You will also learn the general steps of the Denial Management Interactional Process that is designed to manage denial in here-and-now interactions with clients and how to directly deal with the twelve most common denial patterns used by people with self-defeating patterns of behavior. This training teaches you how to develop the tools necessary to implement a successful treatment plan for helping your clients develop strategic self-sabotage/denial management skills.

Upon completion of this training, participants will:

  1. Develop an understanding of how to manage resistance as well as how to help their clients with denial identification and management to improve treatment outcomes as well as their clients’ quality of life.
  2. Practice three or more clinical tools covered in this process including how to make better decisions, conduct an inner dialog process to help manage denial and a bookmarking Learn the five steps of the Denial Management Interactional Process designed to identify and manage denial in here-and-now interactions with clients.
  3. Learn how to implement a strategic plan designed to teach their clients denial self-management tools and to help keep their clients focused on the immediate goals of treatment.


About the Instructors

Dr. Stephen Grinstead, LMFT, ACRPS is an internationally recognized expert in preventing relapse related to addiction and chronic pain disorders. He is the developer of the Addiction-Free Pain Management® system. He has a BA in Behavioral Science, a master’s in counseling psychology and a Doctorate in Addictive Disorders. He has conducted nationwide seminars and certification trainings for thousands of healthcare providers in Relapse Prevention, Denial Management and the APM™ System since 1996. He has also authored and co-authored several books with Terence T. Gorski since 1996. 


Leonardo Martinez, LCSW, ACRPS, is a dedicated mental health professional with over a decade of experience. As a faculty member of Gorski-CENAPS®, he contributes significantly to the recovery community through his work as a trainer and educator. Leonardo specializes in mental health concerns, relationship dynamics, and behavioral issues, including addiction. He has a proven track record in fostering healing and growth by guiding individuals through mental roadblocks and helping them discover practical solutions to both commonplace and critical challenges.  

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